School Safety » Centegix


CENTEGIX Safety Platform

Russellville Independent School District, with sponsorship from the City of Russellville, has purchased the CENTEGIX Safety Platform for the district. CENTEGIX is a multilayered Kentucky school safety solution that provides the foundation for a school safety ecosystem. It features a variety of tools that work together to improve school emergency preparedness, create reportable data, and shorten response times.


The CENTEGIX Safety Platform solutions include:

  • Crisis Alert: A wearable mobile panic button with precise location information for rapid incident response
  • Safety Blueprint: A dynamic map that assists emergency responders in locating safety assets and people during emergencies
  • Visitor Management: Technology that enables schools to authenticate, manage, and locate visitors
  • Reunification: Cloud-based software that digitizes the reunification process to prioritize efficiency and help staff regain control when emergencies occur